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NEW Microscopes
Microscopes - Shop By Type
Life Sciences Microscopes
Brightfield Compound
Euromex iScope trinocular LED outfit incl 10x,20x,50xoil and 100x
Alternative Views:
List Price: £1,154.00 (£1,384.80 inc VAT)
Our Price:
1,154.00 (1,384.80 inc VAT)
Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Product Code:
Condenser option:
No change
Price to replace condenser with fliptop condenser - best for use with 2x [Add £20.00]
2x Objective options:
2x/ N.A. 0.05 PLi objective for iScope w.d. 20.2mm IS.7202 [Add £54.00]
WF 10x/22 mm eyepieces
Trinocular version with Siedentopf 30° inclined tubes. Interpupillary distance 47-76 mm with diopter adjustment on both eyepieces
Revolving quintuple ( 5 place objective turret) reversed nosepiece on ball bearings
10x/0.25, plan, S20x/0.45, Plan PLi S50x/0.90 oil, 100x/1.25oil IOS objectives
All optics are anti-fungus treated and anti-reflection coated for maximum light throughput
216 mm x 150 mm rackless stage equipped with integrated 79 x 52 mm mechanical stage
Height adjustable condenser
Coaxial coarse and fine adjustments with 200 graduations. Precision 1 μm, 0.2 mm per rotation. Total travel approximately 24 mm
Rack-stop for protection of slides and objectives. Friction adjustment
Diascopic intensity adjustable 3 W NeoLED™ Köhler illumination with Internal 100-240 V power supply (CE)
iCare Sensor: The illumination of the microscope automatically switches off when the microscopist steps away from his position, saving energy
CSS - Cable Storage System.:The Cable Storage System
of the iScope allows the user to practically insert the power cable into the backside of the instrument, which enables easy storage
Supplied with power cord, 500 mA 250 V spare fuse, 5 ml immersion oil and dust cover in styrofoam case
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Euromex BioBlue monocular polarisation microscope
contact for price
contact for price
Our Price:
£398.00 (477.60 inc VAT)
Our Price:
£650.00 (780.00 inc VAT)
NEW BA410E microscopes
Euromex EcoBlue Monocular microscope
Euromex iScope trinocular LED outfit for Haematology
Euromex EcoBlue Monocular microscope
Our Price:
£235.00 (282.00 inc VAT)
Our Price:
£1,154.00 (1,384.80 inc VAT)
Our Price:
£179.00 (214.80 inc VAT)
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Haematology microscopes
Haematology compound microscope
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Haematology microscopes